Contact and Consultation Information
Madalyn Ward, DVM is currently not accepting any new clients. However, she is always interested in helping those seeking holistic horse care. If you are in need of homeopathic, nutritional, acupuncture, chiropractic, or other holistic horse care assistance, we suggest contacting us on our Facebook Page. Here we interact via messaging board and Dr. Ward closely moderates this group and answer questions about specific cases via Facebook Messenger. She is also available on an individual basis for consults. You can see details on those in our Consultations section.
For Questions about Membership or Billing
Customer Support: (303) 575-1170 or use contact form below.
For Current Clients
Bear Creek Veterinary Clinic
Madalyn Ward, D.V.M.
Web or Order Customer Support and Fax: (303) 575-1170
If you are a current client and would like a consult with Dr. Ward, please call the office number above to schedule an appointment. Please be aware that Dr. Ward may not be able to return calls right away.
We welcome your feedback. If you have comments or questions about our web site, please use the contact form below.
Please feel free to contribute your animal stories and anecdotes. While we cannot guarantee that we will use or be able to respond to every one of them, your items are welcome, and we plan to publish this sort of feature on this site in the future. Use the contact form below for your submission.
This site is PUBLIC and INFORMATIONAL, and not intended for the purpose of practice-building. We are devoted to promoting and supporting holistic health efforts for animals and people. Please feel free to copy, paste and share any content you find in these pages that is helpful to you in solving problems and creating health. Please be sure to include this web address in print publication reprints or a link to the site in Internet publication reprints.