Holistic Horsekeeping Membership

Holistic Horsekeeping Membership


Founder’s membership has closed and I will be opening the membership again in the fall.

Hi, I'm Dr. Madalyn Ward. Welcome to the Holistic Horsekeeping Membership!

About Me

I'm a 1980 graduate of TAMU School of Veterinary Medicine, with over 40 years of experience in both conventional horse care and a more holistic approach. My extensive post-graduate training in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Osteopathy and Functional Nutrition allows me to bring a broader view of horse care to my clients.

I have written 3 books and frequently speak at veterinary meetings on topics related to holistic horse care. I share my life with two of my own horses and I am always looking for ways to be a better horseman whether through clinics, advanced studies on horse-related topics, and conferences and seminars. I believe we can and should always look for ways to improve the care, nutrition, training, and management of our beloved equines.

I love sharing my knowledge with the horse community, which is why I am excited to offer a membership program through my Holistic Horsekeeping Learning Hub. Here, horse owners are guided through a step by step journey for moving their horses from conventional care to a more holistically minded horse care program.

I am certainly not against conventional medicine! I believe it is an important modality when the horse's own healing powers are not adequate. Conventional medicine also offers important diagnostic capabilities that can be invaluable when dealing with a sick or injured horse. Conventional medicine and more holistic care can be used synergistically, when appropriate to help our equine partners.

Holistic HorseKeeping Purpose and Mission Statement

I created Holistic Horsekeeping Membership to:

Provide horse owners with consistent and reliable information on caring for horses holistically. Empower horse owners to use this information, with confidence, when faced with choices concerning their horse's health.

Provide community support and resources for horse owners searching for answers to important horse care questions/needs:

  • Clean feeds and hays
  • Natural dental care
  • Natural hoof care specialists
  • Open minded veterinarians
  • Relationship oriented trainers
  • Dependable boarding facilities

Our Mission is to raise awareness in the horse community about a different way of caring for horses that allows them to be healthier and happier. We want to make this holistic horse care approach the primary way for as many horses as possible, decreasing the need for emergency care and lowering the incidence of chronic, debilitating health issues.

Holistic Horsekeeping Learning Steps

0. This is the first step in your holistic horse care journey. You have a sense that you need to change something so that your horse can be more healthy but you're not sure where to start.

Suggested Study Resources on the membership site

  • My Journey Transcript
  • Holistic Horsekeeping book
  • Moving from Conventional Horse Care to Holistic

1. With Step 1 you learn the value of whole food nutrition and the importance of your horse's microbiome to his overall health and wellbeing

Suggested Study Resources on the membership site

  • Functional, Supportive and Situational Nutrition
  • Supporting Your Horse's Microbiome
  • Is Your Horse Getting His Greens?
  • The Use of Pre and Probiotics

2. In Step 2 you learn how to observe your horse and understand his individual needs. We utilize Temperament Typing to help you design the best feeding, training and management program for your horse. When you make the effort to to meet your horse's individual needs, he will be more relaxed and balanced in his emotions, which means he'll be more relaxed in his work and life.

Suggested Study Resources on the membership site

  • Horse Harmony book
  • Horse Horse Harmony Feeding Guide
  • Stress Emotions
  • How to use the Balance Formulas
  • Balance Formulas for Extreme Weather
  • You can also listen to the audio files addressing each of the main Five Types

3. Step 3 challenges past understanding and beliefs when it comes to illness and issues. In this step, you will learn how to evaluate symptoms in your horse and determine what symptoms can tell you, rather than simply trying to remove them with medications. You'll learn to assess whether a symptom is an acute, immediate issue or a sign of a deeper imbalance that needs to be addressed.

Suggested Study Resources on the membership site

  • The Vital Force
  • Cure, Palliation and Suppression
  • Hering's law of Cure
  • You can look at how different health issues are approached from a holistic point of view by looking at the Health Issues, In Depth Health Issues and Case Study sections.

4. In step 4 you will explore how you can introduce holistic thinking into all areas of your horse's management. Generally this is a minimalist approach to horse care so he can live as natural a life as possible. Perhaps you may consider taking your horse barefoot, using a natural dentist, doing less body clipping, bathing and blanketing. Perhaps fewer treatments from your conventional vet and more body work and alternative therapies.

Suggested Study Resources on the membership site

  • Horse Injuries
  • How to Manage a Lame Horse
  • 5 Natural Alternatives to GastroGard
  • Avoiding Hormone Problems in Mares
  • Worms in Horses
  • Equine Dentistry - When Less is Best
  • How to Help Your Horse Handle Vaccinations
  • When to Break the Rules

5. In Step 5, you will move into trust and mastery. At this point in your study you will be finding trust in yourself and your ability to manage the health of your horse based on your careful and methodical study and experience.

Suggested continued education

  • Ongoing participation in the Holistic Horsekeeping Membership Hub where you can continue to learn and mentor others
  • Explore additional trusted sources of information on the Off Site Resources page.

Congratulations on coming here. It is an important step in your holistic horse care journey. I hope you will want to keep learning and sharing your knowledge with others on the path!

The Holistic Horsekeeping Learning Hub is open to founding members at the half price offer of $47/month between May 1, 2024 and June 15, 2024. This price will remain for founding members as long at their membership stays active. This initial group will be able to go through the program together and follow 5 cases through the process of shifting from conventional to holistic care. This will help me determine if the program is working as anticipated. Once I am confident the founding members have progressed through the learning steps to a place of mastering the information I will open the membership up to a new group at $97/month.

This is a self study course and the AskMyriah AI function is available to help answer questions. That being said, the human factor will be needed and available. I will answer questions from the group when the forum is launched and this will allow for all to benefit. While waiting for the forum I will collect questions via info@holistichorsekeeping.com and do zoom calls as needed to address them.

If you would like to have your horse be a case study please contact me at info@holistichorsekeeping.com. I will send you an intake form to get a full history and I will select the 5 cases I feel will be best suited for teaching. These cases will be discussed during the Zoom calls.